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Home Remedies For Irregular Periods

Home Remedies For Irregular Periods

You must be hearing about variety of complications related to menstrual problems in ladies with the age ranging from 14 years till 50. Irregular periods can be due to variety of reasons starting from hormonal disorder, food adulteration, life style changes or that of medications. If you are suffering from irregular periods, this will be ideally known as oligomenorrhea. Some girls and women gets periods irregularly after 2 months or 3 months that is very unusual and harmful for a woman’s body.  According to the experts, normal healthy lady gets menstrual range within 21 to 35 days. It will be quite usual if women have 11 to 13 periods in a year. But, anything less than this can be abnormal. In order to stay away from irregular period, some home remedies will be effective.

Reasons for Missed periods and irregular periods
Irregular or delayed periods, this health condition is medically termed as oligomenorrhea. It is one of the most common problems that a number of women suffer from. Pain or twinges in the breast and heaviness in the lower abdomen, bouts of nausea, lethargic feel round the clock are some of the main problems women face as a result of irregular menstruation. There can be a number of reasons that may cause periods delayed. However, the specific reason of irregular periods differs from one woman to the other.
Home Treatments for Irregular periods

Green papaya

Eating unripe and green papaya can help you normalize irregular periods because it works as a good and strong emmenagogue and helps in proper contraction of muscles fibbers of your uterus. It is specifically beneficial for delayed periods associated with menopause. Eat unripe papaya for a couple of months and see the difference. Avoid consuming the same when having your periods.

Banyan tree roots

Take the roots of a banyan tree. Make sure they are fresh. Boil it in a cup of water for about 10 minutes. Add 2-3 tbsp of cow’s milk to this decoction and have it at bedtime daily. This potion can also help you regularize your menstrual cycle to a great extent.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds or saunf can also help you regulate your monthly periods. In order to have them, you need to mix 2 tbsp of fennel seeds in 1 glass water and let it stay overnight. Strain the water using a muslin cloth or strainer and drink it. Make sure to have this potion daily for positive results.


Grapes are also considered useful for regularising irregular periods. Drinking grape-juice on daily basis can help you a great deal. Apart from that, you can also eat raw grapes and make it a part of your diet. This will help you in the long run. However, excessive consumption of grapes is not good. It can cause loose motions.

Bitter gourd juice

You can also have bitter gourd juice. Although bitter in taste, it is supposed to be one of the effective treatments for irregular periods. You can have in in either forms – juice or decoction. When taking the former type, have it twice daily and if your prefer the latter form, you can have it once or twice daily, as per your wish or requirements.


Parsley is yet another useful herb when it comes to treating menstruation related issues. It is considered to be the most effective homemade cures for the same. Parsley juice should be consumed every day, as a medicine, for getting back regular intervals.


Take 2-3 radishes and blend them into a fine paste using water. Add a cup of buttermilk to this paste. Keep sipping this juice throughout the day. Have it on a daily basis to get positive results.


A decoction made of coriander (cilantro) leaves or seeds can also be very useful in getting your regular periods. This remedy should be taken at least 3 times a day for better results.


Take 4-5 figs (anjeer) and boil them in a cup of water. Now filter this decoction and have it on a daily basis. This remedy if followed regularly will normalize your menstrual cycle quite effectively.


The most common and effective tip to regularize your irregular menstruation cycle is to have a bowl of papaya or a glass of papaya juice everyday. If you make it a habit, you will sure see positive results.


Having raw carrot or carrot juice can also be a good help for fighting irregular periods. One of the easiest ways to have them is to include them in your regular diet.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera pulp or juice may also help getting frequent menstrual cycles. Following this tip on regular basis can help you get you positive results for sure. Aloe vera regulates the hormones responsible for menstruation and helps in getting regular menstrual flow. Just pluck some aloe vera leaves from your garden and extract the gel from it. Mix the gel with 1 tbsp of honey. Consume this daily before having a breakfast. Continue this for at least three months for best results. Avoid this home remedy during your periods.

Sugarcane juice

Drinking sugarcane juice before a week or two of your current menstruation cycle will also assist you in getting your periods regularly. This is a very simple and most commonly used remedy for irregular periods.


Ginger is considered to be highly beneficial for regulating menstrual cycles. Moreover, it also helps in dealing with menstrual pain. How to use ginger for irregular periods? Boil 1 tbsp of fresh ground ginger in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Add little sugar and drink the mixture three times a day after your meals. Continuing this for around one month (or more) can help you immensely.

Turmeric with jagggery

Till now you might have only heard about the antibacterial properties of turmeric. However, this rhizome is also loaded with emmenagogue properties. So, you can have it for stimulating the menstrual flow. Also, its anti inflammatory properties also help you in relieving menstrual pain. Take one to quarter tbsp of turmeric with jaggery, honey or milk every morning for a couple of weeks and see the results.


You might not know but it is is really important and interesting to note that Cinnamon is one of such spices that is really useful for making your menstrual cycle in order. Since it provides a warming effect within your body, it can be very effective in eradicating menstrual cramps and initiate regulation of proper menstrual blood flow. It also contains hydroxychalcone which is really effective in regulating the level of insulin within the body. You can take a glass full of warm milk and add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and drink it to get the remedy.

Aloe Vera

Along with many benefits Aloe Vera has also proved worth in regulating the hormones inside your body. Just the gel like substance within the Aloe Vera leaf must be extracted and the same must be mixed up with a teaspoon of honey. You can consume it just before the breakfast to get proper remedy from menstrual irregularities in three months.


The turmeric powder that is found in the market must not be very effective as that might contain adulterated colors. It will be better if you can get some turmeric root that is available under your plot. You need to grind it and get some juices out of it. It is really useful with effective anti inflammatory properties for any types of menstrual problem. You can consume milk with turmeric extract juice and mix it well. This needs to be consumed to stay healthy during your menstrual period. If you want to make the solution much tastier, add a teaspoon of honey in it.

Sesame seeds

You must be aware of the fact that sesame seed is very effective in making a regulation in the menstrual cycle. This will also be really helpful in balancing your hormones. This will also bind excess hormone and help getting warming effect and initiate retaining effective menstrual cycle.  You need to take handful of roasted sesame seeds and grind them well till it becomes powder. You can store this powder in a container and consume it each day regularly with a spoon of honey. You can easily enjoy and watch the difference after consuming the same for some weeks. If you want to gets the regulation of menstruation consuming a piece of jaggery on a regular basis will be important.

Raw papaya

If you are not getting your periods for a longer period of time, it means that your blood circulation has become irregular. Raw papaya is really effective in regulating the menstrual cycle. The muscle fibers within your uterus will get the place for contraction. If you are in such a stage where menopause is approaching, these types of irregularities in periods will be seen. Even due to stress and tension, you can get the effect of irregular periods. But, raw papaya can help you in a natural way to reduce these irregularities. Even after you have gained back the regularity of menstrual cycle, it will be important to continue consuming raw papaya either in means or raw on a regular basis for two to three months time.


Ginger is one of the natural herb which has variety of advantages related to health. Even to regulate menstrual cycle, consumption of ginger either in raw form or in the form of juice will be really effective. You can boil ginger root and get a glass of the juice to get menstrual benefit.

These are just a few home remedies that might help you improve your menstruation cycle and bring back it to your normal pace. If you happen to be allergic to any of the above mentioned remedies, please stop following that immediately. An irregular period is not good for health as it could lead to some other and more fatal health issues. Home remedies are reliable and so are the ideal alternative treatments for treating delayed menstruation. However, seeking medical guidance should be your first preference.

Top reasons for irregular menses

  • Significant amount of weight gain or loss,
  • Eating disorders
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
  • Menopause
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Recent child birth
  • Miscarriage
  • TB (Tuberculosis)

Previously, there were no particular medications available for delayed periods. However, with the advancement of science and technology, a number of treatments have been found. Moreover, you also have dozens of home remedies to fight the same. Needless to say, home remedies when combined with proper medicines can surely help you fight irregular or delayed periods. Here are some easy and effective remedies for you. Hopefully, using them can help you improve your condition. However, it is always wise to consult your physician before resorting to any of the tips or medicines.


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