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Health & Wellness Remedies & Natural Treatments.

Our health defines who we are. It determines the things we can or can’t do, where we can go, how happy we are, how well we can function, and even how long we’ll be around for. Our bodies in turn are what define our health, and therefore all of the above as well. While the human body may be complex, it can still be treated simply and naturally. Being made up of organic stuff like tissues and cells and blood, natural is really the language it understands best anyways. Instead of constantly reaching for chemical-laden medication take some time to try out less abrasive ways of feeling better, and help your health stay sound and wholesome in not just the short-term, but the long-term as well.
14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain
Our joints are what give us glorious freedom of movement, but being subjected to so much wear and tear (not to mention just the aging process itself) it’s no wonder they start to have problems functioning the way the used to. Be it rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, arthritis is a condition that is often treated with an abundance of prescriptions and OTC painkillers. Despite the “need” for these drugs, there are natural alternatives to keeping your joints healthy and comfortable.

11 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Who hasn’t had one of these pesky buggers as some point in their lives? It’s no fun talking with a lisp, chewing on one side of your mouth, and maybe accidently drooling a little during a business conference because, well, you’re trying to accommodate for a tender sore on the tender inside of your mouth! Good news-a few simple home remedies can help you avoid these dreadful scenarios all together.

16 Home Remedies to Relieve Constipation
We always hear about nature calling, but what if it doesn’t? What is there’s nothing to answer to? When constipation sets in this a question that many of us have to face, and we often face it alone. Before you give into that desperate I’ll-do-anything-just-to-go mode and run to the store, take a moment look around your house first. The answer to your bathroom woes may be closer than you think, and using an alternative to over-the-counter laxatives increases the likelihood that you won’t be feeling forgotten by nature again anytime soon.

12 Ways to Get Rid of Gas & Bloating
You’re bloated, uncomfortable, and would give anything to relieve all the pressure, but the moment of relief never times itself right-you can’t exactly let loose during a critical business meeting or in the middle of giving a speech. These scenarios are unpleasant for you (and sometimes the person sitting next to you) but with the use of some solid home remedies, you can avoid them altogether.

18 Helpful Remedies to Relieve Headache Pain & Tension
Do you find that you’re all too familiar with that painful pounding in your head? A lot of us are. Busy, stressful, lives mean tension, and tension means headaches. So. Many. Headaches. Common as they are a headache can ruin even the best of days, and make it hard to do something as simple as read or drive. If you find yourself getting knocked down by one, whether it’s caused by a migraine or simply stress, these natural remedies can help you get back up and stay on your feet.

15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn & Severe Acid Reflux
It’s as unpleasant as its name implies, but heartburn itself isn’t your problem, it’s a symptom of one. While there is no shortage of medications available to manage the burning, gnawing, aching sensation, relieving your heartburn may be as simple as switching up your diet or chewing a piece of gum. Try out some of these ideas to naturally treat the problem causing your heartburn, and therefore treat the heartburn itself, without forming a dependency on OTC management.

14 Soothing Remedies for Nausea & Upset Stomach
A bad bout of nausea, which would be any bout of nausea, can bring your life to a whirling, swirling, crashing halt. They can strike when you’re in a car, on an airplane, going to school, right before your wedding…pretty much anytime that’s the worst possible time to start feeling sick. Luckily there are a number of simple ways to manage the unpleasant sensation, at home or out and about, and get on with your life.

18 Natural Sleep Aids to Get Better Sleep
Sleep is vital. Without it, our bodies wouldn’t grow, we wouldn’t have memories…we simply wouldn’t be able to exist. Why, then, is it so hard to come by? With more and more stressors in your life, these home remedies can help you find the solid rest that you not only need, but deserve.

22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain
We need our throats, but we kind of take them for granted-until something goes wrong. We use them to breathe, eat, drink, and talk, all which pretty much make up our day-to-day existence, so when a throat starts to hurt living becomes miserable. When you find yourself waiting one out, turn to some of these at-home ways to help ease the pain.

12 Ways to Help You Snooze Without Snoring
Is snoring more unpleasant for the snorer, or the person sleeping next to them? That’s debatable, but it’s pretty much undisputed that snoring is generally not a good thing, no matter which side of the bed you’re on. Short of pressurized masks or surgery, not a whole lot can be done for snoring unless it involves lifestyle changes. If you’re always doing the middle-of-the-night elbow, or always getting elbowed in the middle of the night, try out some simple habit changes to help you get a better nights rest.

How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)
It is one of the most common struggles that people face today, but weight loss isn’t something that’s easy to conquer. There is no magic bullet, no overnight pill that makes the pounds melt away. These remedies don’t focus on those unrealistic shortcuts, because there are no shortcuts. Instead, they focus on incorporating healthy routines and helpful “remedies” into your everyday life. Stick to your routine, and you are well on your way to feeling and looking your best.



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